Thursday, July 12, 2007

A warrior no more?

Let's be upfront here at the front. I was not some iconic, steely eyed, larger than life warrior with bronze cuirass, shield, and spear. I was an average to slightly below average example of the typical American combat soldier in Iraq. But even that was fulfilling in its own way.

Now I'm home, and with any luck won't be putting on the uniform bound for a combat zone anytime soon if ever again. Now that I'm safe, and comfortable, well fed, and showering indoors I'm of mixed emotions about this. Iraq was hot, dirty, uncomfortable, and very occasionally dangerous. But despite the complexity of the overall mission, we had clarity of purpose. Defend our position, find the bad guys, protect those under our care, and take care of our soldiers.

I love my regular civilian job. Problem solving, research, helping people utilize the technology available to maximize their productivity. I can't wait to get back to it, especially after a good meeting with my boss yesterday morning.

But I'm going to miss that clarity. The danger, the excitement, and the comradeship. I wonder if this is something all veterans experience. Or are most of them just happy to be home and that's the end of it?

Well, I need to get some laundry done, and maybe go buy some new clothes for the trip to Vegas tomorrow (alone, my date canceled on me).

Take care, and may the force be with you.


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