Here in Iraq
Current mood:
I finally got around to registering my blog today. I imagine some military intelligence soldier somewhere has gotten stuck with the horrific task of reading through this thing to look for operational security violations. I trust that none will be found, I'd like to think I'm pretty non-specific.
I won't say much of the mission we're doing here except that it's frightfully dull. We don't go outside the wire, I have a little air conditioned shack I work in most of the time, and I think we're in much greater danger from accidents than enemy contact.
We've been on the ground here for about three weeks now, and we're settled in pretty well. I have my own room in this little trailer sort of set up, I have a TV and DVD player, a refrigerator, and I'm currently borrowing a friends internet connection in his room while I'm waiting for mine to be installed. I haven't made it to the gym much yet as I'm still adjusting to our work schedule, but I've got a program set up, and my intention is to start up on the first.
The bank account is already starting to look pretty healthy, and I expect I'll have a pretty good sized chunk saved up by the time all this is over with. I should be able to afford the new motorcycle, plus have some cash for a down payment on a house.
The days are going by slow though. The job is dull, and every day seems like that movie 'Ground Hog's Day' where the guy keeps living the exact same day over and over again. Oh well, we're closing on 1/2 way now.
Keep the cards, letters, e-mails, and other smile inducing things coming.